Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

When Lurking was Cool

I am not certain why, but it occurred to me yesterday afternoon that I have not effectively used the word “lurking” since 1969.  If you are the type who enjoys math, that was 47 years ago.
Really, lurking is one of those dusty old words that works in very few applications during the course of a normal lifetime.  And lurking has something of a corrupt implication.  Lurking is what bad animals do.
Back in 1969, while sitting in a seventh-grade English class, I got an idea.  I ripped a sheet of paper from my notebook and a made a sign.
TEACHERS LURKING, the sign read.
After making the sign, I poked my buddy, Mark.  He sat next to me.  “I have a cool idea,” I told him.
Back then I used the word “cool” a lot.  I also liked wearing paisley print shirts, which makes for some regrettable photographs in my old photo albums.  “I think,” I told my buddy, “that we should hang this at the door to the teacher’s breakroom.”
“That is cool!” Mark agreed. “Teachers lurking!”
Mark did not often think my ideas were cool.
“Cool,” I said.
At the first opportunity, Mark grabbed my sign and posted it by the teacher’s breakroom door.
It was cool.  Some of the teacher’s liked the sign.  They thought Mark was pretty clever.

--Mitchell Hegman