Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Given a choice between playing the part of Cinderella or playing the part of a hyperactive colon, I suspect most women would choose the part of Cinderella.   Not so Ilana Becker.  She fell in love with the idea of playing the part of Irritabelle from the start.   Her undaunted enthusiasm fills the screen when the ads for combatting diarrhea she stars in play on television.
If you are in my demographic, you have seen the ads or Viberzi featuring Ilana.
Surprisingly, I found myself immediately attracted to a stomachache—I mean the girl playing one—the first time I saw one of Ilana’s ads.
She glows.
And I am not the only person to think so.  When Ilana auditioned for the part (by Skype from her bathroom, nonetheless) she was the unanimous choice out of hundreds of people who auditioned.  Fluttering her eyes, flouncing about, she was perfect for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
In spite of a natural reluctance, I find myself attracted to Irritabelle every time I see the ads.  She's pretty hot for an upset stomach. 
Who knew?

--Mitchell Hegman

Source: Roger Schlueter,