Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Above the Lake

Three teens on ice skates whisk cheerful colors across the frozen surface of the lake without a sound, one spinning here and there along the way.  But I can plainly hear a pair of ice fisherman—darker, stationary forms at the center of the ice—grumbling about bad wives and good sports.   Above them, higher even than the mountains huddling around all of us, the winter sun strolls through clouds like a wash maid fluffing through strings of freshly hung underskirts.
All is well here at the lake today.
All is well.
Tomorrow, arrives a winter storm.
And maybe the fishermen with bad wives.
—Mitchell Hegman


  1. What I like about winter in Montana that I've experienced is that the sun shinesbrightly so that even when it was cold the sun provided some semblance of warmth and cheer. Some other places I've seen in the winter tend to be dark, wet and gloomy.

  2. We definitely get a great deal of sun in the winter months. Sometimes, bitter cold with the sun.
