Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Several years ago, I randomly met a woman from the United Kingdom.  We small-talked for a few minutes and then parted ways.  Walking away from this chance meeting, I found myself enamored with—of all things—the woman’s accent.
“Man,” I thought to myself, “If I could, I would marry her accent.”
I seriously had not considered the rest of her, but I totally fell for her accent.
Something similar occurred yesterday.  At midday, I called a technical support line for an educational portal.  I needed help in managing dashboard settings associated with some continuing education courses I offer.  While sorting through an issue I had encountered, the woman talking with me informed me I need to locate a “save button” to the right of a settings box we were working on.
But she didn’t say “button.”
She said “butt-Ton.”
Like an extra, super-powerful “t” had been assigned to the end of the word.
She said “butt-Ton” several more times as we sorted out my issues.
After we finished talking, I dropped off the phone and sat there thinking how much I liked the way she said butt-Ton.
Just gorgeous.
If it were possible, I would marry the way that woman said butt-Ton.
—Mitchell Hegman


  1. I know someone who went to Scotland just to go to a pub and find a Scottish woman who was willing to have a pint with him so he could listen to her speak. That's all, he just wanted to have a conversation so he could listen to her voice.
