Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Don’t be Yourself

Common advice is to “be yourself.”   Honestly, I consider this bad advice.  If I was to be myself, I would spend my time snooping through my friend’s belongings whenever visiting their houses because I am naturally curious.  I would run about freeing dogs from chains and pens.  I would hand out small wind-up toys during serious business meetings because I am convinced seriousness is often too limiting a thing.  And I would constantly outburst.
So far as advice?
My advice is: “be the you your grandmother liked” (unless I am your grandmother…and I am not).

--Mitchell Hegman


  1. Don't know how much of a choice we have on the matter of just being ourselves. Can a leopard change its spots?

  2. With enough dye, anything is possible. Wink, wink.
