Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Twisted Peas

I spent an hour or so helping my neighbor weeding his garden.  The climbing peas have grown rapidly in recent days. Because they had not yet been provided a fence to climb, the peas were pretty much climbing all over themselves.  Some plants seemed on the verge of weaving themselves into baskets.

As I pulled weeds from around the pea plants, I was struck by how much the pea plants twisted back into themselves.  If not offered structure to grasp and ascend they make a mess of themselves.

The thought occurred that I am not so different from a pea plant.  I need something to keep me busy—something to climb, so to speak.  I am not good at sitting around.  After being idle for only a few hours, my mind begins climbing all over itself.

I am a different kind of plant than most people.  If not busy, I am capable of driving myself crazy.

Mitchell Hegman

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