Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

In the Bag

I am a pretty big fan of the reality program Naked and Afraid. While a majority of the “reality” programs are mostly contrived situations and largely fake drama, I think Naked and Afraid is mostly legit. Participants on that series endure legitimate hardships and sometimes end up with severe injuries and sickness.

Desiree and I always tease each other about being participants on the show. Neither of us thinks we would make it more than a day or two of the allotted 21 days – especially in some insect-infested jungle.

One of the features in the show is that participants are able to bring along one personal survival item. Contestants often choose a fire starter or a big knife. Some are a bit more inventive and choose to take on a pot for boiling water, a mosquito net, or perhaps some kind of rope or line.  These items are included in a bag made from natural materials each person is given at the outset.

While watching an episode the other day, I asked Desiree, “What item would you take along?” Even before she could answer, I said, “I am going to take a bottle of vinegar. I need that.”

“I will take candy bars,” Desiree proclaimed.

“Good thinking. I’m pretty sure we can make it for at least a day as a team.”

—Mitchell Hegman

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