Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Happy Children Circulating All Around

If you were to ask me what single thing has most impressed me about the Philippines, I have a ready answer: the children. I love how sweet, respectful, and well-mannered they are. I also really appreciate the way they are raised here.

As mentioned in a previous blog, Desiree’s immediate and extended family live in a cluster of houses amid a jungle comprised of fruit trees. The children from the various family homes tend to circulate from house to house, freely entering the always-open doors of any house. Aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, sister: there is no difference in these. Family is family. All of the adults are active in raising all of the children.

When not in one of the houses, the children are outside playing in rainwater, engaged in physical games, or doing the same things all kids do everywhere (making sure to produce plenty of noise in the process). The children are given a lot of room to do things on their own. And, most impressively, the older kids take it upon themselves to tend to the little ones and make sure they don’t get into any manner of trouble. Put simply, the children are a well-behaved troupe of their own.

I am posting three photographs featuring some of the children. This is the most beautiful thing in the Philippines.

A Gathering of Children

Three Companions

Playing in Rainwater

—Mitchell Hegman

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