Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

In Memory

May 11th is a day that cannot pass without notice. On this day, in 2011, in the quiet hours before sunlight found us, we lost Uyen Hegman. Uyen had a ready smile and an inimitable aura of calm about her. Yesterday, I spent several minutes standing under the Mayday tree Uyen and I planted in the early 1990s. The tree teemed with blossoms and honeybees—the hum of the bees filling the air. The day ended with a fantastic display of northern lights just outside the backdoor.

Gone but not forgotten, Uyen Hegman.

Uyen, 2002

Uyen Hegman, 1987

Mayday Tree, 2024

Northern Lights             

—Mitchell Hegman

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