Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

New Life

Living in the Philippine province is not merely a way of life; it is life in the most direct sense of the word. Living here, you often harvest your own fruit directly from the trees. You may raise or harvest a number of “vegetables” that grow wild in great abundance. Someone in your extended family will likely have some form of livestock—pigs and goats being the most common.

As good fortune would have it, we were treated to the addition of new life yesterday when a sow pig tended by Desiree’s Uncle Carlos gave birth to 13 piglets. Her uncle spent the entire day with the mother and babies. He washed each newborn piglet and made sure each one spent time nursing. All the while, he ensured the mother was not in any distress.

I found myself impressed with how cute the piglets are. Granted, most will be headed to a dinner plate at some point in the future, but for now, I am enjoying them as new life.

The Sow Between Births

Carlos With a Newborn

Piglets Nursing

—Mitchell Hegman

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