Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Island Hopping

We hopped from one island to another. More precisely, we flew from Manila on the island of Luzon to Dumaguete on the island of Negros. In the local way of thinking, we left the rat race of Manila for the province—the countryside.

The first thing worth mentioning is about boarding airport buses and airplanes. Filipinos approach loading buses and airplanes the same way they approach driving. There are no discernible rules, and it's all about jockeying and vying for position without being overtly rude about it.

The flight itself took only a bit over an hour, but directed us through some beautiful cloud formations. Landing in Dumaguete pleased me immensely. I am definitely a “province guy.” The airport is very small, and the streets surrounding it are not congested. Also, mountains rise up into the sky immediately outside the city.

This is good stuff. Out in the country stuff!

Rising Cloud

Clouds Boiling Up

Landing at Dumaguete

Desiree and Ina on the Tarmac in Dumaguete

Waiting for a Ride at the Airport
--Mitchell Hegman

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