Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Geographic Center of San Francisco

The precise center of San Francisco is 37° 45' 16.3502” north latitude by 122° 26' 33.1594” west longitude. This matters to me because my daughter Helen’s apartment is less than two blocks away from the two-inch brass medallion embedded into a sidewalk along the 700 block of Corbett Street near Twin Peaks marking the ‘Center of the City.’

While on a walk through the city with Helen and Desiree, I made sure we stopped at the center of the city so the girls could point out the precise place. Today, I am sharing the photograph I captured there, along with a couple pictures of the city itself.

The Geographic Center of San Francisco

The City Below

A Lovely Hillside Neighborhood

—Mitchell Hegman


  1. Helen has gray hair? And she’s finally put on some weight? I guess we think of the children in our lives as children forever. Somehow their gaining maturity seems wrong. It’s not wrong, but still…. I still think of Marshall and Brandon as young boys.

    Great picture of the both of them at a nice place. Good work that.

    1. Yep, our kids are getting gray hair. It's a weird thing to grasp, but here it is! And my hair has flushed to entirely white!
