Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kevin, Two Carrots, and the Hot Tub

I have a thing for carrots.  No…not the kind of thing that makes criminals out of otherwise normal folks or lands movie stars on the cover of tabloids.  I mean, I really like to eat carrots.  They are an equivalent to taffy or maybe even a well-aged single malt Scotch to me.
My friend, Kevin, has been tending a garden on his father’s property near the lake just a bit below my place.  I asked him to plant an extra row of carrots for me when he planted this spring.  He did so because he knew I was not kidding.  Besides, he owes me as a result of constantly having parties at my lakefront without inviting me to attend.
Anyhow, Kevin showed up at my door late the evening before last with a couple of carrots for me.  The carrots were remarkably carroty.  Kevin held them up (see the picture I captured with my twice-as-smarter-than-me phone) and said: “I will trade you these for the use of your hot tub."

“Sure,” I answered as I grabbed the carrots.  I looked at the carrots and considered for a moment.  “But you are also going to have a party at my place this weekend, aren’t you?”
 “The kids are going to come out and camp.”
“At my place?”
“I knew it.  Okay, I’ll get the hot tub ready.  Mind if attend the party?”
“Hey, it’s your place.”

--Mitchell Hegman