Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Raw Emotion

There is little doubt that a great majority of the songs recorded today are written and recorded with some idea of appealing to the masses.  On occasion, though, an artist punches through the common noise with something that is both beautiful and filled with raw emotion.
Adele did that with nearly every song she recorded on 21, her second album.
Today I am posting a song that, at the end, shows the depth of the emotion that drove her to write the song.  The live setting shows how absolutely the audience connects.  The song, Someone Like You, was not originally part of the album.  Adele wrote the song after recording the original tracks and after finding out that her ex-lover had recently engaged.  Adele considers the song one of her most personal and she fought the urgings of her recording company to add a full band to the arrangement.
The video is a bit longer than I typically post (a bit over five minutes), but is well worth watching through to the very end.
--Mitchell Hegman
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  1. I envy Adele's ability not just to express emotion but to enshrine it in a song that most everyone who has ever been in pain can very easily relate to.

  2. I agree. This, and several other songs on the album, are so powerful I often cease whatever I am doing so that I can stop and listen.
