Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Meanwhile, Back in the Real World

I guessed the building to be from the Victorian era.  Long halls.  Wide trim boards.  Dark corners.  With only an hour remaining before the rock concert in the arena next door, I found myself whisking up and down the halls, peering through unmarked doors.   Finally, I chanced upon two middle-aged men in wheelchairs, parked at the junction of two halls, deep in conversation.  I stood beside one of the men until he finished speaking and acknowledged me.

“Bathroom?” I bleated.

“Other side of the building,” the man responded.  “Up front.  On the Left.”

“I was just there.  I didn't see anything.”

“There is another hall.  You have to look for it.” 

“Okay.  Thanks.”

I strode away once more, footfalls echoing dully as I tracked down the endless hallways.  Door after door after door and corner after corner…

Suddenly I woke in my bed.  And within thirty second I found my master bathroom.

What concert did I just miss, I wondered?

--Mitchell Hegman