Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snorting Chocolate

So you are now wondering… are we talking about a bar of chocolate or perhaps a chocolate cake that is wheezing and snorting, having come alive in some form of genetic engineering run amok?  Or are we talking about human-type people snorting chocolate mints up their nose.

Neither answer sounds particularly promising.

Sadly, I am talking about the latter explanation.  People snorting chocolate.  Not mints or drops, mind you.  That would be ridiculous, right?  Some people are now snorting chocolate powder up their nose as an alternative to eating it.

Snorting chocolate is the brain-child of a chocolatier from Belgium named Dominique Persoone.  Initially, the idea was something of a “joke dessert” created for a party where the Rolling Stones were in attendance.  But remember, we have taken Jean-Claude van Damme, the Muscles from Brussels, seriously as an actor.  How far-fetched this Belgian idea?

According to an article in Live Science, written by Tanya Lewis, snorting chocolate does not provide any sort of high.  Some people have even suggested that randomly snorting things up your nose may not be healthy.  Seems to matter little to devotees of chocolate.  Since first inventing a “machine” for snorting chocolate (mixed with mint and ginger) and marketing his idea, Persoone has sold 25,000 chocolate snorting machines.

--Mitchell Hegman


  1. So why would I deprive myself of the gustatory delights of eating chocolate and choose to snort it instead?

  2. Makes no sense, right? I was baffled by this one!

  3. Talk about brown nosing!
