Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fable #13

Early one morning a small green grasshopper and a bright red ladybug with black spots chanced to meet on a slender blade of grass.  “Good morning, Miss Bug,” the grasshopper said.

“And to you also,” the ladybug responded.

"I was just now preparing to snack on the tender top of this blade of grass,” the grasshopper said. “Perhaps you would care to join me.”

“Thank you, but, no.  I don’t much care for grass.  I am hunting aphids this morning.  They are my preferred breakfast.”

“Oh…”  The grasshopper quickly scanned the length of grass.  “Unfortunately, I seen no aphids on this blade of grass.”

“Unfortunate indeed,” said the ladybug.  With that, the ladybug launched herself onto the grasshopper and chomped a bite of flesh from its leg.

Because that’s the way it is in the real world.

--Mitchell Hegman