Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Three Notes on the Moon

ONE: Yesterday, July 16, 2019, marked the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing mission.  On the 20th of July, 1969, a lunar module touched down on the surface of the moon and ejected two men: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.  The men pranced around on the surface of the moon for some 21 hours.  Meanwhile, Michael Collins tripped around and around the moon tending the main ship.  On the night of the landing, I was thirteen and overnighting at my father’s cabin in the Cabinet Mountains outside Thompson Falls, Montana.  The moon was but a waxing sliver among tamarack trees.  My father and I listened to the landing on a radio skip he’d found by placing a homemade antenna on a battery operated radio.     
TWO: A brilliant young singer-songwriter from Missoula, Montana, Maiah Wynne, won the Music from the Moon international songwriting contest.  The contest was part of the official moon landing anniversary celebration.  Maiah is one of my favorite emerging artists.  I have posted her winning song, Show the World, at the end of the blog.  
THREE: Last night, the full moon loitered around the windows of my house, occasionally waking me.  Usually, moonlight strikes me as being cold.  Not last night.  Last night, the light felt warm.
—Mitchell Hegman
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  1. I grew up in Noxon, I know the T-Falls area well. The first time I ever saw the Northern Lights was while camping in the Cabinets. Something about that part of the world makes for some amazing experiences for star gazing.

  2. My father lived in Plains from about 1967 on. I spent a lot of time in that country. That is a beautiful part of the world.
