Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Waking Human

Some days, you wake feeling wobbly and cautious as a newborn deer painted by first light.  Other days, you wake and emerge from your bed feeling sure and sturdy as a predator freshly emerged from the earth.
This morning, I woke feeling entirely human and needing to pee.  So I hugged my pillow and fell back to sleep for a bit more.
—Mitchell Hegman


  1. I woke up and stared at the clock then made a whole bunch of "I'm getting older" waking up noises as I plodded downstairs to make coffee. I'm pretty sure if there were any predators around I would have been easy prey!

  2. I am the same before coffee. A kind of zombie mode.
