Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Great Flood of 2023

In all likelihood, you have not heard about the Great Flood of 2023. This is not because you are not paying attention, but rather because of the localized nature of the flood. As a matter of fact, the flood was confined to the common bathroom in my house.

Okay, I did it.

To keep this short and sweet: I left the water running in the vanity sink with the basin stopper in place. In properly functioning parts of the world, the sink's overflow will simply allow the water to harmlessly drain away rather than overfilling the basin and flooding the surrounding area. But we are talking about my house and not a normally functioning part of the world. So, the bathroom flooded.

Sometime after I turned on the water (and forgot about it), I found the bathroom flooded. This included completely filling both vanity drawers with water and causing my valuable stash of toilet paper under the sink to swell up like rising bread.

A Drawer Filled with Water

—Mitchell Hegman