Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Machine Screw


While sweeping up dust bunnies from the kitchen floor, I found a tiny screw. I have posted a photograph of the screw along with a pen for size reference. Normally, such a screw would baffle me. "Where," I would wonder, "did that come from?"


If all goes well, FedEx will deliver a new laptop computer to my doorstep today. The new machine has a gigabyte of storage and is (for better or worse) manufactured to cozy up with artificial intelligence (AI).

My old laptop has become touchy. If, while working on a document, my palm inadvertently presses down on the left side of the machine near the touchpad, my cursor flies off and lands somewhere else on my document. The shell of my machine has developed a crack near one of the hinges for the screen, and it is literally falling apart.


The screw on my floor? You guessed it. My computer is unraveling wholesale.

The Screw

—Mitchell Hegman

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