Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Maintaining Idiot Status

On a somewhat regular basis, I prove in some fashion that I am firmly maintaining my status as an idiot. Yesterday morning, I did it again, using my old-timey coffee maker (one more time) as a prop to help me display my stuff. I somehow managed to overfill the coffee maker’s water reservoir. Naturally, the overfill weep hole at the back of the machine began squirting water all over the kitchen counter.

As my friend Gary often reminds me, it’s never too soon to panic. With this as my guiding instinct, I thrashed out, reaching for a paper towel. I didn’t quite reach the paper towel dispenser, but I did manage to tip over a full cup of coffee from the previous brew in spectacular fashion. A tsunami of coffee splashed out over the kitchen counter and the floor below.

With this, I escalated the required clean-up markedly. By the time I was finished wiping up the floor, the counter, and all the items on the counter, I had four dishtowels that required immediate washing.

Another idiot job well done and documented. I am sharing a photograph I managed to take before I cleaned up the mess.

The Coffee Spill

—Mitchell Hegman


  1. Ah…but you do get a clean kitchen that Desiree doesn’t have to clean.
