Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, August 5, 2024

An Especially Large Cricket

While splitting firewood at the cabin, I found an obese cricket in the stack of rounds. At least, it looked a bit chunky to me. I am not sure how a mountain cricket could get so obese. As omnivores, crickets will eat most anything, but they especially like being served a nice vegetable tray. A cricket with a carrot is a happy cricket.

Interestingly enough, as omnivores, humans can eat crickets, and eating them offers numerous benefits. Crickets provide a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while having a lower environmental impact compared to traditional livestock. Insofar as how they taste, crickets are often described as having a mild, nutty flavor with a slightly earthy taste, sometimes compared to toasted sunflower seeds or mushrooms.

I am going to leave eating crickets to the experts, but I will share a photograph of the cricket I found. While normally quite jumpy and camera-shy, this particular one seemed entirely unbothered by my presence.

An Obese Cricket

—Mitchell Hegman

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