Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


I need to invent a last name.
For the purpose of telling this story, we will use O’Rourke.
Now the story.
Yesterday, while helping me burn a pile of slash from downed trees in the meadow at my cabin, my brother-in-law, Terry, told me about a story relayed to him by a gentleman he worked with.  When this gentleman enlisted in the service, he did so at the same time as a man named R B.  For the purpose of this story: R B O’Rourke.
While going though military paperwork with a clerk, R B was asked his name.
“R B O’Rourke,” he responded.
“I need your first and middle name.  Not initials,” the clerk said.
“All I know is R B,” said O’Rourke.  “That’s all I’ve ever been called.”
“This is important, son.  We need to identify you.”
A little frustrated, O’Rourke leaned in close and said stated with careful annunciation, “R, only.  B, only.”
The clerk filled out his name on the papers.
When issued his dog tags a bit later, the hero of our story was identified as Ronly Bonly O’Rourke.
—Mitchell Hegman


  1. I am delighted and yet horrified by this. It's like ordering a cake with specific instructions for decorating and realizing it was taken literally when you read "Congratulation Marie underneath that Good Luck!"

  2. Another thought, maybe his name was actually Arby?
