Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Morning Report: Halloween 2019

Woke very late, sprawled on my sofa.  The sun was already up and pressing light against every corner of my house.  My 20 pounds of housecat sat at the center of my living room, staring at me.  Inside my gut, something has been churning for the last two days.  It feels as though my internal organs have liquefied, expanded greatly.  Something at the end of my Manila adventure did not agree with me.
Home again.  Queasy.  Weak.
The expanse around my house white with snow.
Seeing me awake, my cat approached, pressed his cold nose against my hand where it lay exposed at the edge of the sofa.
Love you, buddy.  
—Mitchell Hegman


  1. Feel better! Minus the cat, this sounds eerily reminiscent of my own recent travels. I didn't leave the country but I paid for my excess on every level.

  2. Lay off the scotch if your stomach is giving you problems. Alcohol tends to aggravate a bad tummy. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Thankfully, I am feeling better now. Back to the Scotch I go!
