Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Travel Update

I left Helena almost three hours late due to aircraft mechanical problems—something about a deicing thingy related to the engine.
I am guessing I (and every other passenger) would appreciate the deicing thingy in operating order.
Anyhow, the thingy was poked at by a mechanic until it responded to his liking and we took off for a turbulent, jostling flight to Seattle.
The Cascade Mountains caused the bumps, thank you.
Here in Seattle, I bought some calamari for myself and dinner for a nice couple heading to Florida.  The husband was recovering from heart surgery.  The wife loved the husband very much.  Also, they were raising their granddaughter.
They both loved the granddaughter very much.
Okay, we shared drinks.      
I am now waiting to board a plane for a 13-hour flight across the Pacific Ocean.
My plan is to sleep in the sky tonight.
A lofty plan, that.
—Mitchell Hegman