Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Branding Day at the 4-R

The 4-R Ranch & Cattle Company (owned and operated by the Russ family) branded their new calves yesterday.   As in years past, I pitched in as best I could.  My job yesterday entailed directing calves down the narrow run from the holding pen and then urging them into the branding squeeze chute.

Three items to note regarding my branding station for the day:

First, I needed a little on-the-job training.  Directing calves is a little like herding giant, furry marbles.  They tend to scatter in all directions when you get near them.  Second, holding two or three calve in place inside the run proved the real work.  Calves are surprisingly squirmy and strong.  And some of them like to throw a random kick now and then.  Finally, the entire branding process, thanks to a steady rain, turned into a mud bath.

Fortunately, I don’t mind being kicked at now and then, and I harbor no immediate fear of mud.  In the end, we pushed a couple dozen calves through the branding process.

Branding a Calf

Me Waving from My Work Station

Mud is Good Stuff

Mommas and Calves Waiting to Reunite

—Mitchell Hegman

1 comment:

  1. It was great fun. So glad you were able to help.
