Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Through the Night

Yesterday, just before dark, I glanced out the back door (it’s a glass patio number with cat noseprints across the bottom) to see if any ice fishermen remained on the lake below.  I saw what looked like rain spots on the deck, which is presently surrounded by high berms of snow I cleared from it.
I stepped out and stepped back in.  “It’s raining,” I announced to that girl.
Fifteen minutes later, in full darkness, I stepped out the front door and stepped back in.  “It’s really, really, really raining,” I announced to that girl.
“Is that a big deal?”
“It is for January in this part of Montana.”
Rain persisted into the darkness.
This morning I stepped out the front door and stepped back in.
For a brief time I considered running back to wake that girl so I could say, “It’s ice,” but that would likely be an RLE (relationship limiting exercise).

 -- Mitchell Hegman 

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