Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Small-Bigger and Small-Smaller

I discovered a horde of the small (maybe a half inch long) green, dragonflyish insects congregating on my white 500-gallon propane tank the other day.  For whatever reason, they were drawn to the white. 
Upon finding the insects, I decided to take a photograph of one with my smarter-than-me-phone.   After loading a photograph of the insect on my computer and enlarging the image I discovered I had also captured a super small—maybe a bit larger than the head of a stick pin—insect just below and a little to the right of the “bigger” insect.
I don’t know what kind of insect either the bigger or smaller is, but I like ‘em.

Both Insects

The Little Fella
—Mitchell Hegman