Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, September 30, 2023


Following are three things you shouldn’t do:

  1. Don’t take marital advice from someone who has been married and divorced six times. 
  2. Don’t follow me into the precious metals market.
  3. Don’t order rambutan online and have it shipped to your house.

Rambutan is a weird little fruit native to Southeast Asia. The fruit is small, somewhat egg-shaped, and covered in a hairy, reddish, or yellowish skin that resembles a lychee. Beneath the skin lies a translucent, juicy, and sweet flesh that has a mildly acidic flavor, often likened to a grape. At the center of the fruit is a large seed, which can be easily separated from the flesh. The seed is typically not consumed due to its bitter taste.

Both Desiree and I were craving rambutan after a conversation somehow turned to them. Following that, Desiree plowed through some purchasing options on the internet and then ordered a few rambutan that were grown in Mexico and shipped from California. Unfortunately, it was a failed experiment. The fruit arrived in pretty tough shape, and only something near one in four were edible.

Good Rambutan

Our Internet Rambutan

Mitchell Hegman


  1. Hawaii has plenty of rambutan! Come visit!

  2. If that's what it takes to get decent rambutan, I may need to do just that!
