Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Blue Waters, Green Waters

We spent another day boating through the blue waters and smaller islands that rise up in attendance around Palawan, the main island. The ocean water here is always aspiring to invent new colors as depth, coral formations, and swaths of sand mix a new palette.

The sky, too, is ever-changing. The blue there also transitions where it embraces the mountains in the sea. The clouds, born on the perfect line of the horizon, sway in and out above us, occasionally dropping curtains of rain.

I am hoping the photographs I am sharing tell the tale better.

At the Sandbar

The Waters at Matinloc Shrine

Hidden Beach Entrance

The Lot of Us at Hidden Beach

All of Us at Secret Beach

Sunset at El Nido

—Mitchell Hegman

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