Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Seawall Dog

There is a young woman who rents snorkeling goggles and water shoes to tourists just before they climb aboard the daily excursion boats that launch from the sandy beach at El Nido and slice away across the bay to the outer islands. The woman keeps her shoes and goggles in a thatched basket and conducts her business on the open sand near a concrete railing above a seawall. It is there, at the seawall nearby, where her dog rests with his head cradled between balusters.

I have, upon finding the seawall dog there several times, decided he is leading the life I wish to lead as I venture forth. The dog lives on island time, as they call it: take it slow and steady, be patient, and ignore all but the sharpest sounds that surround you. Eat when hungry. Sleep whenever the weight of it settles upon you.

Life is good at the El Nido seawall.

The Seawall Dog Resting at the Balusters

—Mitchell Hegman