Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Lemon Tree Update, June 19, 2024

Prior to leaving for the Philippines some six weeks ago, I waged major battles with spider mites on my lemon tree. The tree was growing rapidly at that time, but only because I had been squelching the mite population by various means for several months. In the two weeks leading up to my departure, I stepped up my game and entered a regimen where I applied soap to the tree twice a day and then heavily misted it with water a couple of hours after each soap treatment.

I continued to see mites on the tree until just a few days before we boarded our first plane and left the islands. I was not convinced I had fully defeated the mites and feared I would return home to a tree decimated by the tiny pests. Furthermore, I did not leave any instructions regarding the mites with the person kind enough to water our houseplants in our absence. I figured we would "let things ride," as they say.

I am happy to announce that I returned home to a healthy, mite-free lemon tree. The tree grew considerably in my absence and has even put forth a new cluster of branches at the base. It is as healthy as can be, and I am beginning to think I will see lemons before long.

I am posting a picture of me, the tree, and my standard reference for size—a Cold Smoke beer. Cheers, with a twist of lemon!

The Lemon Tree

—Mitchell Hegman

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