Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Pneumonia Notes

I have, according to a good doctor at my chosen clinic, been suffering from what used to be called walking pneumonia for the last five days. Health professionals today call it "atypical" pneumonia.

Real pneumonia is a lung infection (viral, bacterial, or fungal) that kicks your ass, fiddles with you a little bit more, and then drags you off to the hospital in very serious condition. Atypical pneumonia kicks your ass and fiddles with you. If you don’t pay attention and seek help (antibiotics in my case), you might also end up in the hospital.

In personal terms, this stuff is zero fun. I have been achy—even my eyes hurt—and astoundingly tired. I am, at the same time, filled with gunk and sometimes lapse into debilitating fits of coughing. Most notably, my brain is not in a functional state. Yesterday, for example, it took me something like forty seconds to decide if I should look in the refrigerator or the microwave for a Coke. My dreams have also been exceptionally weird. And because I have been splitting my time between napping and wandering around the house (wondering why I am doing so), I sometimes enter a state of consciousness where I am living in a mix of dream and real time. The other day, everything in my living room alternated back and forth between being furniture and houseplants and being a bleak, war-torn landscape. I guess, if you pressed hard enough, you would need to call this stuff hallucinating.

To be sure, this is all interesting, but I would like to get back to feeling normal again. Maybe I could have a Coke... once I figure out how to find the refrigerator.

—Mitchell Hegman

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