Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

My Bad Sunday

On Sunday afternoon at about 3:00, I fell ill rather suddenly and lapsed into a severe coughing fit. My respiratory system quickly filled with fluids as a fever overtook me. I had been fighting a low-grade respiratory condition for a couple of weeks prior, and now, apparently, some new level of this disorder had engaged with me

I spent the entirety of Sunday night running a fever and coughing incessantly. I finally managed a few hours of sleep in the early morning hours of Monday. By the time the sun came up, my coughing had eased greatly, but I still ended up spending the entirety of Monday sleeping and tossing about. As of this writing, I feel pretty good. I am posting a picture to illustrate what I felt and looked like on Sunday.

—Mitchell Hegman