Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Fireworks Flower

I tend to like knowing the names of the flowers and plants that surround me wherever I go. Here in the Philippines, this tenet is proving somewhat difficult for two reasons. First, I am surrounded by many dozens of new things on a near-daily basis. Second, trees, flowers, and fruits may have a variety of names, given the cocktail of languages and dialects used within this country of many islands.

For this reason, I sometimes give a flower a name of my own choosing and move on. That is the case with the flower I am featuring a photograph (along with the lovely Mrs. Desiree Hegman) today. I call this a “fireworks flower” because it looks like a pyrotechnic display frozen in time. I fully understand there are smartphone apps that can assist (more like lead me) in finding names, but I am happy for now, as I stumble on in my tropically overheated ignorance.

The Fireworks Flower

—Mitchell Hegman

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