Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Strange Fruit (A Parallel)

Of all the possible things to find a parallel to regarding Montana and the Philippines, I found a parallel to one of the oddest fruits: the chokecherry (Prunus virginiana). Chokecherry is native to the entirety of Montana. In fact, I have two healthy bushes (call them trees if you like) in my yard.

Not everyone prefers the taste of a chokecherry, but I am a devoted fan. To me, the “taste” of a chokecherry is a cocktail mix between a cherry and the lidocaine dentists use as a numbing agent.

It’s weird, and I like it.

Chokecherries are a member of the rose family and can be abundant producers of fruit. The "choke" taste in chokecherries is primarily caused by the presence of astringent compounds known as tannins in the fruit. These tannins create a puckering sensation in the mouth.

This is where Lumboy (Duhat) fruit in the Philippines comes in. Though the berry-like fruit is larger and a bit juicier, the flavor and odd “choke” sensation are the same. I was astounded the first time I tasted one. I have since eaten many handfuls more. They are first cousin to our chokecherry.

Chokecherries (Image: Montana Public Radio)

Lumboy Fruit

—Mitchell Hegman

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