Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Clearing the Road

Cabins, boats, campers, and all-terrain vehicles all have one thing in common: regular maintenance of one form or another is required. You have to “pay to play,” as the adage goes.

One of the maintenance issues at our cabin is keeping the primitive road clear for travel. This entails mowing the grass (and, sadly, wildflowers) that readily grow in the narrow mountain valley. On a less regular basis, the trees that have volunteered alongside the road must be trimmed to allow the free passage of vehicles. At this point, some of the trees are holding hands above the roadway.

Yesterday, Desiree took to the trees with a pair of nippers and a bow saw. This is hard work, but Desiree loves anything to do with plants or trees. By the time she was finished, I had a truck filled high with branches from the pine, fir, and willows attending the cabin road.

I am sharing three photographs from the day.

Desiree Cutting the Willows

Desiree With Trimmed Branches

Looking Across the Bridge

—Mitchell Hegman

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