Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Deer-Proofing (In the Bag)

A few days ago, a doe mule deer discovered some of the flowers Desiree is growing here and there around our house. While she has fenced in many of the flowers, a few are growing without any manner of protection. Upon finding some of these unprotected flowers, the doe handily chomped down the flower heads and left the stem and leaves of the plant standing.

Desiree, as you might suspect, finds the loss of the flowers fairly distressing. I told her when she first arrived here in deer country that I long ago gave up fighting off the deer. My motto is, “Give unto the deer what they want and grow the stuff they don’t.”

Among other things, the raiding doe made quick work of two tall lilies at the bay window but left one cluster of flowers intact. I am posting a picture of what is left of two Gaillardia (blanket flowers). Also posted is a picture of Desiree’s new deer-proofing method for the lilies: bagging them. I have not been told when viewing hours are for the lilies; I guess that will be a surprise for both me and the deer when Desiree unveils them.

Blanket Flower Stems

Deer-Proofed Lilies

—Mitchell Hegman

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