Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Bridge Test

You don’t want to fail the bridge test. The test is not complicated. To pass the test, you simply need to cross over a bridge without causing it to collapse. Yesterday, I wanted a septic pumping truck to pass the bridge test because it was crossing the bridge on my cabin property.

A typical septic system should be pumped every 3 to 5 years, depending on usage. My cabin septic system sees very sporadic use and has never been pumped to clear the sludge that collects at the bottom of the septic tank.

Septic pumping trucks are heavy. A rig with a fully loaded tank may weigh up to 30,000 pounds. By comparison, my truck (the heaviest vehicle regularly crossing the bridge) weighs something near 4,000 pounds.

The bridge is of wood construction and is subject to natural deterioration. For example, I had to replace the decking material in 2018. Given the weight of the septic rig, I felt mild concern about the truck crossing the bridge. Before crossing on the way onto my property, I had the driver inspect the bridge for his own sake. “This is a real structure,” the driver said. “I am comfortable with crossing.”

Thankfully, the septic truck passed the bridge test in both directions, as proved by the photographs I am sharing today.

The Septic Pumping Truck at Work

Crossing the Bridge on the Way Out

—Mitchell Hegman

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