Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Rocky Mountains (Appropriately Close)

While visiting the beautiful sugar-sand beaches and ocean waters of the Philippines, I had conversations with several people where I expressed how much I loved the islands. However, I also mentioned that I could never leave my Rocky Mountains for good. The upthrust mountains have always been a part of me. I literally feel as though I am an extension of the landscape in Montana. The mountains thrilled me as a boy, and they still thrill me today. Yesterday, after two weeks back home, Desiree and I took a drive into the mountains near Lincoln so we could get appropriately close to some snow-covered peaks on the first of July.

Good stuff, that.


A Road into the Rocky Mountains

Desiree Striking the Required Pose

—Mitchell Hegman

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