Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Among what may be considered my more fruitless habits is my attempt at saving the lives of insects that are somehow trapped in my human contrivances. Early in the mornings, when dew collects on my hot tub cover, I often find both moths and water boatmen literally stuck in the watery layer where they have landed. I do my best to dab up the hapless critters and flick them off along their way again. And while both you and I might have an argument against grasshoppers, I regularly collect those and beetles from the floor of my garage and pitch them back into the sunny grass.

Yesterday, I scooped up a small hopper and trotted it outside while enclosed (and squirming) in my hand. Weirdly enough, the grasshopper refused to jump off my hand when I opened it outside. “You’re free to go eat a hole in the leaf of one of Desiree’s flowers,” I told the hopper.

The hopper took a few steps but remained on my hand. I next lowered my hand beside the brick ledge to encourage the critter to hop off. No luck with that. Apparently, the grasshopper thought I was his buddy. I was actually able to retrieve my smartphone for a "buddy picture" before forcefully tossing the hopper into the wild.

My Buddy

—Mitchell Hegman

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