Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Montana (More Interesting Facts)

  • Montana is the only state that is exactly one time zone wide. The state’s eastern border marks the line of Central Time and the western boundary marks Pacific Time. Montana is entirely within the Mountain Time Zone.
  • Four of Montana’s 56 counties have fewer than 1,000 residents.
  • The shoreline of Fort Peck Reservoir is equal in length to the California coastline. They are both about 1,500 miles long.
  • Montana has more cars registered per capita than any other state, with 184 vehicles for every 100 people.
  • Just over 34 percent of vehicles on the road in Montana are pickup trucks. The only state with more pickup trucks per capita is Wyoming, where it’s 38 percent.
  • Jordan, Montana is one of the remotest county seats in the United States. The nearest airport is 175 miles away while the nearest bus line is 85 miles away.
  • Montana has the largest variety of mammals in the United States. Some of these animals are elk, bison (the largest land mammal in North America), grizzly bears and buffaloes.
  • Fort Benton is as far inland as a person can navigate by boat on any continent. Located 3,560 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, it’s known as the “world’s innermost port.”

—Mitchell Hegman
