Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

A Day with Dinosaurs, Part 3

DESIREE: “Maybe you should have used an apple for comparison.”

ME: “You think?  But a beer is more me.”

DESIREE: “I just wonder what people will think.”

ME: “Maybe an apple would be better.”

The conversation above occurred after I showed Desiree the photographs I took of the bones and petrified wood I gathered on our dinosaur bone hunting excursion.  I placed a can of Cold Smoke beer alongside the fossils as a reference for size.  In my hometown of East Helena, Montana, most everything is measured against a can of beer.  But I do take Desiree’s point on this.  Sadly, not everyone is from East Helena.

A few words about subjects in my photographs:

First of all, petrified wood lay strewn about almost everywhere in the badlands area we meandered.  I am not exaggerating when I say you could fill a wheelbarrow with the stuff.   I collected only a handful of specimens I found especially intriguing.  Additionally, I needed to limit the weight in my backpack.

Insofar as dinosaur bones are concerned, I collected only bits and pieces of no great value to the serious study of the “terrible lizards”.  But the fragments mean a lot to the seven-year-old boy still found within me.  Looking at them, touching them, fills me with wonder.

My Collected Petrified Wood Specimens

My Bone and Tendon Fragments

Mitchell Hegman

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