Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Lost But Not Found

I lost my wedding band. 

I lost it the same day I collected litter from alongside Lake Helena Drive.  The band has slipped off my finger on a few previous occasions while I was doing such things as digging in the ground to plant something or washing dishes.

Logic suggested I lost the band while collecting cans and bottles from the barrow pit and immediate area beyond the roadway.

Yesterday, following that logic I, Desiree, and my mountain neighbors Patrick and Mary scoured the half-mile stretch of road I cleaned.  Patrick and I used metal detectors.  The girls kicked along beside us.

After two hours of thoroughly surveying my entire path, we came up with no more than a rusty pair of pliers, a handful of electrical fittings, and more aluminum cans.

I am literally uncomfortable without the ring on my finger.  My hand feels strange in a way I cannot describe.

Lake Helena and Patrick Alongside the Road

Patrick Working His Detector

Mitchell Hegman


  1. Did you look in the container you were putting your cans and bottles in just a premonition on my porch

    1. Yep, we did that. The ring was not particularly valuable, but the sentimental value is something. Maybe it will turn up somewhere over the next weeks....
