Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, March 13, 2023

The Other End of the Rails

The other day, as I drove over the rail crossing at Carter Drive, a memory surged through me.  I recalled, from over fifty years ago, crossing Carter Drive while walking along the same railroad rails.  At the time, I was taking driver’s education at Helena High.  Following my class one late afternoon, I found myself stranded without a ride home.  Rather than fussing with trying to arrange a ride to East Helena, I opted to strike the rail tracks a few blocks away and walk straight home following them.

I lived with my grandparents at the time and their house stood only a few yards off the tracks some four or five miles to the east.     

I truly enjoyed the walk home that evening.  I recall how it gave me a new perspective on entire cloud-crossed valley.

Looking down along the long, empty rails as I crossed over the other day, I not only recalled the walk home.  I also remembered the comforting feeling of trotting across the open field between the rail tracks and my home when I finally reached it.

Someone said you can never go home again.

But you can.

Mitchell Hegman

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