Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Food, Food, Food

Beginning today and extending through the weekend, a frigid winter impulse will embrace our region.  As is typical during such an event, most everyone I know is planning on hunkering down inside their own home for a couple days.

My neighbor, Kevin, made a trip to town yesterday for the specific measure of stocking up enough food and goods to remain home for a few days.

The idea of running low on food is no longer a concern for me.  I live with a woman from the Philippines.  Filipinos are totally motivated by food.  They celebrate all events by feasting.  Images of fancy lunch and dinner dishes dominate the Facebook postings of Desiree’s family and friends.  Desiree is perpetually finding new recipes and fancy dinner dishes on the web.

She is (all kidding aside) a world-class cook.

Given all this, we have gradually stocked up enough food in my house to last for several months.  A good thing, that.

Still, I enjoy teasing Desiree.  I often approach her when I find her surfing the internet on her smartphone and blurt out: “Food, food, food!”

Mitchell Hegman

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